About me
I grew up with my father running discos and that’s how I got the urge to run discos myself. I started off with discos through my local church and then got involved with other events, operating sound, lighting and visuals. I got involved in a two day festival, and helped with rigging and de-rigging, and then at a local night club. I got a passion for working in the event industry and still have that same passion to this day, with an emphasis on lighting.
This is what I do
I am a lighting operator who can also crew for events, including rigging and de-rigging. I can provide a small floor package, with power, dmx and data included. Also I can provide a MagicQ PC Compact wing or Titan one with a midi controller. I have a basic knowledge on sound and extensive knowledge of lighting. I can operate lighting where lighting is required but can also design a lighting plot for any type of event.
I gained initial experience through the church, with audio, lighting and visuals. At The Vault live music venue in Rugby where I started basic lighting, audio, back line, crewing, load in and load out. At Rugby Theatre I volunteered as stage crew and built up sets for shows. I went to a college in Hereford, studying media and music technology for six months followed by a six month work placement in Exeter at various theatre companies. I then worked at a number of events, venues, festivals and logistics companies (Fly by Nite and PRG). Throughout, I also volunteered at an annual festival called Rock and Bowl and to this day I am still involved with it. I have crewed for various festivals and arena tours through different crew companies. I have completed a basic Avolites training course and have more experience on Chamsys, owning my own MagicQ PC Compact wing for the bigger shows. But have knowledge on Avolites as sometimes I use my Titan one with a midi controller on smaller shows which I do.
How did Genesis Lights come about
From doing discos through my local church, I progressed to operating lights for other churches and events. Initially lighting was a hobby. As I got more established, I set myself up as “Light Entertainments” and worked for a number of professional organizations. I became self - employed as I gained more skills and experience. I also volunteered for a church ministry called Meltdown; this has given me the opportunity to work in Sweden and it has also developed my Christian faith. I have recently re-branded my portfolio to “Genesis Lights”. In Genesis (1:3) it says “God said let there be light”. Genesis Lights is the beginning of my new portfolio. Lighting is what I do and that’s why I have chosen this name.
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